About Us

Our Experience

The leadership and membership of the Oregon Criminal Justice Truth Project reflect decades of experience and expertise in public safety.

Our Members

  • Bob Hermann

    District Attorney, Washington County, retired

  • Helen Smith

    Chief Deputy District Attorney, Multnomah County, retired

  • John Bradley

    Deputy District Attorney, Multnomah County, retired

  • Greg Horner

    Chief Deputy District Attorney, Clackamas County, retired

  • Jose Cienfuegos

    Attorney, Portland

  • Jim Ferraris

    Chief of Police, City of Woodburn, Retired

Our Board of Directors

  • Norm Frink

    Chief Deputy District Attorney, Multnomah County, retired

    Norm Frink is a former Multnomah County prosecutor who prosecuted felony cases for the county from 1977 until his recent retirement.  Oregonians may recognize Mr. Frink as the attorney who prosecuted former figure skater Tonya Harding.  Mr. Frink graduated from Lake Forest College in Illinois and later earned his juris doctorate, with honors, from Washington and Lee University of Law in Virginia.

  • John Foote

    District Attorney, Clackamas County, retired

    John Foote has served in several public positions including at the Inspector General's office with the Department of Corrections, and as a prosecutor for a little over 18 years in Multnomah and Clackamas Counties.  Mr. Foote earned his undergraduate degree at College of Wooster and his juris doctorate from Lewis & Clark Law School.

  • Josh Marquis

    District Attorney, Clackamas County, retired

    Joshua K. Marquis is an Oregon attorney who served six terms as the District Attorney for Clatsop County, Oregon, (from 1994 to 2018) after being appointed to the position by then-Governor Barbara Roberts.  Mr. Marquis earned his juris doctorate from the University of Oregon, and has served on both sides of the "v" since then.  Mr. Marquis served as a deputy district attorney in several Oregon counties including Lincoln, Lane, and Deschutes, before settling down in Astoria, Oregon.